Process or Project Knitter

I love listening to VeryPink Knits podcast.  The two ladies keep me smiling.  Episode 2 they talked about Process vs. Project Knitters.  A process knitter they said was a person who just loved the act of knitting.  If they make a mistake they have no problems ripping back.  A project knitter, on the other hand, is more interested in getting the project done so they can enjoy the finished item.  If they make a mistake, they tend to just keep on knitting (unless of course it is a big mistake and affects how the project will look).

I keep thinking about what type of knitter I am.  Sometimes I think I am a project knitter because I want to hurry up and get the item done.  I usually have another project that I want to start working on.  To me that sounds like a project knitter.  But I also am a perfectionist and end up ripping back when I make a mistake (no matter how small the mistake is).  Today I think I finally figured out which type of knitter I am.  You can be the judge.  I currently have 3 blankets going on at once (2 baby blankets and 1 pet blanket).  The reason behind why I have 3 blankets going on will explain why I think I am a process knitter.  I first started working on a baby blanket using cotton yarn.  The blanket is made up of mitered squares.  After I completed 3 rows, I decided I should probably block it.  While the blanket was blocking, I wanted to knit.  Of course the logical solution was to start knitting a pet blanket using up scrap yarn.  What could be better!  I needed to get rid of my left over yarn.   Then a few weeks ago, I ran out of the white cotton yarn and had to stop the baby blanket in order to wait for my yarn to come in.  At the same time the pet blanket was on my blocking table. Oh no!  I didn’t want to wait until the blanket was finished blocking.  I wanted to knit.  Good thing I have a big enough yarn stash.  🙂

So would you agree that I am a process knitter?

process knitter